Saturday, February 6, 2010


My friend has recently introduced me to the world of tumblr.
I've only belonged for a day or so, but i'm hooked.

I still love my log and mushroom though.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hana Liden

If i were to pinpoint the one photographer that inspires me most at this point in time, i would have to say it would be Hana Liden.

Her imagination is full of deep dark fantasies, that most people wish to have.
I can not begin to comprehend how much i envy her endless supply of creativity.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Instead of Graphics, I caught a train to Melbourne (with the gals) to see The XX.

Instead of resting my broken body, I stood in front of a loud speaker and endured more live music.

Photography. Camilla Lousia Nicholls.


After two weeks of nonstop fiesta’s and what not, I’m now horribly run down and clearly not getting better anytime soon.
So I have come to the painful conclusion.
I’m sorry but it feels like I’ve been beaten multiple times with mace and nun chucks.

So for the next month, I will endure weekend’s full knitting wee little booties and hour upon hour of baking scones and crumpets for the children down the lane.

Sigh no more Camilla, sigh no more.

So this weekend i have already turned down a shindig. And now i have been left with sex in the city, and homework by the truck load.

Oh, and when i die, i will be reincarnated with my darling J.D

Monday, February 1, 2010

Why are certain people higher up in life then others?
ANSWER-To be perfectly honest, i have no idea. And i'm not liking it one bit.