Monday, November 30, 2009

queenscliff and co.

the weekend that was.
and is now just a fixture of my past.

-teenager like antics
-outrageous adventures
-the occasional ear piercing guitar feedback.
-horrid tent troubles.
-lack of sleep.
-walking far to much in the humid, wet weather.
-who knew smirnoff had a brother named karloff.
-free coffee, free ep's.
-tents full of live and eccentric muso's and their fans.
here something the urban dictionary has tort me
DEFINITION OF MUSO; A person who learns music and has instrumental lessons at school.
I had a maths test this morning, but I 'accidentally' missed it 'cause I had my weekly trombone lesson. Too bad I'm a muso. I'll just have to not do it (mock sigh).

-the youth at their best. drunken, messy, and yet, still well dressed.
-6am wake up calls from yours truly Mr i-don't-give-a-rats-arse-what-time-it-is COCKATOO.

here's some snaps to become entangled in your minds.

sometime he likes to pick his noes


Thursday, November 26, 2009

beards, toilets and queenscliff.

queenscliff has finally arrived.
to bad about this horrid weather though.

silly little blog about silly naive me.

1. Your hair: shorter then ever.
2. Where is your phone: lost under my white cloud like sheets.
3. Your father: kindly gave me money for my weekend
4. Your mother: made vegetarian tacos for dinner.
5. Your favourite food: mango salad at the moment. thanks to this heat.
6. Your dream from last night: i haven't experienced a dream in, well forever.
7. Your favourite drink: freshly made coffee in the morning, or freshly squeezed OJ on a hot summers night.
8. Your dream/goal: to move away from this place and start over.
9. What room are you in: lounge room/ book case room.
10. What is your hobby: photography, beards and collecting coffee cup photos.

11. What is your fear: the thought that in our life time we eat around 7 spiders, and we don't even know it.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years: finished uni, owning a pet rabbit that lives inside, and hopefully living with a man that can cook.
13. Where were you last night: multi tasking. reading candy and watching the shining
14. Something you are not: confident.
15. Muffins: mud pies sorry.
16. Wish list item: apple macbook. oh my pride and joy ( yet i still don't own one)
17. Where did you grow up: in a house, where the walls were as high as the tallest tree and the toilet lived outside.
18. Last thing you did: wrote down " the whole livery line bow like this with the big money all crushed into these feet". written ( spray painted) by jean michel basquiat.
19. What are you wearing: a potato sack?
20. Your TV: is far too big. it blinds me. especially when ever a white backdrop comes on.

21. Your pets: a cat that has lost its voice. an anorexic dog and obese dog, a chicken with a wonky head and naked sheep.
22. Your friends: are all shorter then me. therefore i look like a giant.
23. Your life: is shaken not stirred.
24. Your mood: ecstatic.
25. Missing someone: why do you have to live to far away. i don't have $500.
26. Vehicle: (when it gets up and running) my lovely mustard coloured beetle.
27. Something you're not wearing: Fur. my feet as freezing, so socks.
28. Your favourite store: my work. which is the ever so lovely and peaceful the known world.
29. Your favourite colour: special black?
30. Whens the last time you laughed: lunch time yesterday with my dear friends. sadly it rained it started to rain, therefore we moved to un wanted territory.

31. Whens the last time you cried: when my day yelled at me for nearly driving into a fence.
32. Your best friend: tony my index finger?
33. One place you go over and over: my dear friends court yard. beatles heaven
34. One person who emails me regularly: hand written are much better.
35. Favourite place to eat: my kitchen table.

thank you 'a tempory drive'

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


the tiny, insignificant moment in time was when i saw my brother resting his eyes on the bus ride home.

my dreams lack depth.
yet, come to think of it, what is a has been far too long.

endless sleep is what i am thriving for.
maybe all i need is someone to hold and keep me safe from such things as night terrors.

in the end, i blame him, and the uncontrollable scratching of bat wings at my window.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


who needs 'BIC' lighters when you can have 'Dickheads' matches?
campare the pair?
there is no need.


Friday, November 20, 2009

cards and such.

here lays a handful of my brand spanking new card designs.
maybe one day, you will be able to hold them in your hot little hands.
...but for now, you can only marvel at my mind-numbingly awkward drawings of humanly faced creatures.


im a barbie girl.

skeleton like, knobbly knees, manly chest , bush like eye brows that obviously need a maintenance check, drooping smudged red lips, alcohol consumption by the litre and a diet that consists of a packet of marlboro reds every half hour and on the odd occasion, a piece of lettuce.

i am not in anyway discriminating against models and their choice of life style, i am clearly just stating that they are the only 'breed' (if you must call them) out there of models. what happened to the days of the elegant curves that most woman consist of; bigger then AAA sized breasts and non twig like legs.

the question in which i am pondering is why must you parade around in your skimpy little skirts and your 90's style tops that show your pancake like stomach.
and also why do you get paid by the thousands for coming into the world as a mouth wateringly beautiful goddess?

dear nick cave Jr.....your dad is and will remain the hansom one in my eyes.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

oh hey there shortness.

damn, i forgot to point out my newest hair style.

rather dodgy photo of myself, but hey, its all i could come up with.

water falling.

as i have previously stated, today i travelled to lorne ( not the green itchy stuff, but the actual sand and water place) with my lovely family.
the road trip was far from pleasant. why do boys have a tendency to fight over the simplest of thing. EXAMPLE- BENEDICT: "TIMMY". OLIVER: "stop spitting one me!" *oliver then goes in for the kill. aka has a swing at him*
with much yelling and screaming and what not, we arrived at our destination.
as my mum would call it 'hoity toity' land.

we all chowed down on some lunch, and drove to a lovely place full of water, steep steps and american tourists.
this example is a clear indication of how self indulged american's can be towards their own country.
*koala grunts*
AMERICAN LADY: "wow, a wild pig for sure".
oh the joy this brought to our day.

the rest of the day consisted of 'hard yakka' walking, dads survival tips, beautiful water falls, car sing'a'longs and maxibon ice creams.

finally, i would like to point out that i will never pay $4 for one scoop of ice cream and a little kids cone.



Monday, November 16, 2009

i would write something interesting and witty, but frankly i cant be bothered at this point in time.
so i bring you the wonders of my a nut shell.

p.s i no longer have long luscious curls. it is now a short, slightly curly bob.
also i am venturing to the ever so gorgeous lorne tomorrow. who knows what wonders it will bring.

...i like too piss fart around with beards.