for example, i have been able to get my 'skins' on.
during two days of cold, wet weather, i have been curled up on the couch, catching up on what i have missed so very much; Skins.
for the people that have never in their life experienced, or heard about the highly acclaimed SBS tv series, i will give a brief description about the series.
each episode revolves around a certain adolescent character. Whether is be about family/friend/relationship issues, or drug addiction complications, each episode delivers excitment, and leaves you with antisipation and a thirst for more.
so basically, its just a show about fucked up teenagers.
so anyway, whilst watching the first episode, one of the major characters (tony) was stubbornly refusing to let his bad tempered father use the bath room. he; tony, wasted time by reading a book. this book caught my eye. it was a book by jean-paul sartre. it was titled nausea.

i did find the book. now all i am worried about is if i have enough money to buy the darn thing.
finally i would like to note that the first line of his book, i find refers to me perfectly;
"the best thing would be to write down everything that happens from day to day".
thank you tony.