should i go into the depths of the long black?
will this ever so strong caffeine hit soil my lovey taste buds forever?
the only way to find out was to give it a shot.
i whipped up a double shot of beans, and watched the black liquid run into my coffee mug.
i was now ready for the final test.
the taste test that is.
the slightly black, steaming hot liquid ran down my throat like a child would slip down a slid.
smoothly to the extent that i could barely taste the extra strong, bitter coffee taste.
strangle enough, i didnt budge nor scream.
i actually thought the taste was soothing.
and that, my fellow blogger friends, is how i got my first black hit.
ex oh ex oh camilla.
There is no going back: lattes will forever taste like hot versions of the iconic iced-coffee Big M.
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