queenscliff has finally arrived.
to bad about this horrid weather though.
silly little blog about silly naive me.
1. Your hair: shorter then ever.
2. Where is your phone: lost under my white cloud like sheets.
3. Your father: kindly gave me money for my weekend
4. Your mother: made vegetarian tacos for dinner.
5. Your favourite food: mango salad at the moment. thanks to this heat.
6. Your dream from last night: i haven't experienced a dream in, well forever.
7. Your favourite drink: freshly made coffee in the morning, or freshly squeezed OJ on a hot summers night.
8. Your dream/goal: to move away from this place and start over.
9. What room are you in: lounge room/ book case room.
10. What is your hobby: photography, beards and collecting coffee cup photos.

11. What is your fear: the thought that in our life time we eat around 7 spiders, and we don't even know it.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years: finished uni, owning a pet rabbit that lives inside, and hopefully living with a man that can cook.
13. Where were you last night: multi tasking. reading candy and watching the shining
14. Something you are not: confident.
15. Muffins: mud pies sorry.
16. Wish list item: apple macbook. oh my pride and joy ( yet i still don't own one)
17. Where did you grow up: in a house, where the walls were as high as the tallest tree and the toilet lived outside.
18. Last thing you did: wrote down " the whole livery line bow like this with the big money all crushed into these feet". written ( spray painted) by jean michel basquiat.
19. What are you wearing: a potato sack?
20. Your TV: is far too big. it blinds me. especially when ever a white backdrop comes on.

21. Your pets: a cat that has lost its voice. an anorexic dog and obese dog, a chicken with a wonky head and naked sheep.
22. Your friends: are all shorter then me. therefore i look like a giant.
23. Your life: is shaken not stirred.
24. Your mood: ecstatic.
25. Missing someone: why do you have to live to far away. i don't have $500.
26. Vehicle: (when it gets up and running) my lovely mustard coloured beetle.
27. Something you're not wearing: Fur. my feet as freezing, so socks.
28. Your favourite store: my work. which is the ever so lovely and peaceful the known world.
29. Your favourite colour: special black?
30. Whens the last time you laughed: lunch time yesterday with my dear friends. sadly it rained it started to rain, therefore we moved to un wanted territory.

31. Whens the last time you cried: when my day yelled at me for nearly driving into a fence.
32. Your best friend: tony my index finger?
33. One place you go over and over: my dear friends court yard. beatles heaven
34. One person who emails me regularly: hand written are much better.
35. Favourite place to eat: my kitchen table.

thank you 'a tempory drive'