so to somewhat raise my spirits, here is a list of seven things, that may or may not make me feel the slightest bit better.
seven is the lucky number
1)today i walked into work and there was a homemade pudding dangling from a bookshelf with my name on it. thank you darling michelle.
2)my dream job is to be a photographer and own my own studio where i can paint and drink cocktails all day long. melbourne or new york. still deciding.
3)i enjoy getting lost in big cities. at the end of the day, you are bound to find your way back home.
4)i was vegan for a month this year. now i can only drink a cup of milk a day. considering i would generally drink 3 or 4 before i started the horrid thing.
5)i tend to start books, but never finish them. its a bad habit i know.
6)these holidays, i was going to learn how to drive my beetle. but unfortunately i have done something terrible to my knee. so that basically shattered my dreams. tear tear.
7) one thing that makes me immensely happy is when a stranger takes the time to actually have a decent, known weird, conversation with you. oh the stories i hear.

i miss this.
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